Located at Mutungo Biina twiviafoundation@gmail.com
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Feature Causes

Every Child Deserves The Opportunity To Learn

Education For our children

Providing education aid for the less fortunate children can have a profound impact on their lives and future opportunities.

$10,000 Goal

$9,542 Raised

Pure Water
Clean Drinking Water

Providing clean drinking water is a vital aspect that can significantly impact on their health and well being.

$10,000 Goal

$9,542 Raised

Healthy Life
Provide Medical Treatment

Everyone deserves access to quality healthcare and an opportunity to lead a healthy life. This can be through providing medical care, Nutrition support, health education, hygiene facilities among others.

$10,000 Goal

$9,542 Raised

Provide essential needs
Provide essential needs

Providing basic needs such as food , clothing, medical care among others

$10,000 Goal

$9,542 Raised

Economic Empowerment
Economic Empowerment

We provide financial aid to these families in order to alleviate their lives. We do this through providing capital for them to invest in their businesses, financial literacy among others.

$10,000 Goal

$9,542 Raised

Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ
Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ

We believe that knowing Christ is the biggest gift we can share with these families.

$10,000 Goal

$9,542 Raised
